Pure brilliance.
That was the lovliest, funniest, the most adorable clock movie I have seen in 1684536 years, ADN I WUZ ONE OF TEH MAIN CHARAKTERS!111 You totally rule man, good job.
~ TC
Pure brilliance.
That was the lovliest, funniest, the most adorable clock movie I have seen in 1684536 years, ADN I WUZ ONE OF TEH MAIN CHARAKTERS!111 You totally rule man, good job.
~ TC
Thanks Turd, there should be more movies featuring y00!
Greatness to the max!
There were so many things I loved about this movie. The way SBC bounces all over the place is fucking hilarious! Reminds me of the good 'ol king. You sure know how to portrait his character perfectly! I am very much looking forward to see something more from you my friend. Welcome to the Clock Crew.
~ Turd
WOW! the turd clock? I've been a huge fan of your animations for a long time. your almost what completely inspired me. and I got a review from you. surely this is my greatist feat! anyway, e-mail me sometime. and ask the ol' SBC a question.
Pile of poop.
Clocks rule, The Pube muppet rules. The only thing that sucks is the author of this crappy movie.
~ Turd
omg...turd clock!!! It isn't like i actually hate clocks. I really like a lot of your movies.....I really dont like pube muppet though, sry.
Hilarious and cool.
I saw this movie ages ago and now I'm reviewing it, lol. The portraition of SBC is hilarious, "Holy fuck you are incredible, I can see you being a huge success here", was the best line in the movie. And I love the ending beat. I didn't close the flash for a long time just to listen to that bitchin' song. Overall great movie, Bananabeard 2 will probably be much better, and hopefully funnier(with some classic SBC jokes)....Nice Job.
~ TC
Unfortunatly, Bananabeard 2 is more of an action / drama, however Strawberry does have a few one-liners which should bring about a few giggles :D
That was great man! I love how pitched his voice is! Hilarious stuff!
By the way that orgy with Pube Muppet, Bob Dole, Prince, Mario, Elton John, Randy Savage and Boy George was great!
And you ;)
This was very swell my good man. Keep these spendid movies up.
Thanks. I will be making a third. ^_^
hahahaa those are great!
Keep these things up! Funny stuff!
I don't like you, all of your movies are about being SBC's bitch in some way. Got a fetish that we (don't) need to know about?
Funny as hell! !!1!!!
Thanks alot, Turd <3
Welcome to teh clockcrew my man.
Thanks! =D Nefclock tells me your movies rock.
Holy mother of the almighty B!
Finally another clock movie! Oh my god this movie made my day! You fucking rock!
Thank you! Your work is an inspiration.
Clock School
Joined on 7/7/03